The application of Acupuncture goes beyond stress and relaxation. When we have an ailment of any kind we identify that part of the body and look towards a professional within Western Medicine to assess that one aspect. What happens when you have two imbalances, maybe a hand and a knee or your mind and your feet. You can come to me. The system of medicine that I have learned gives me the ability to treat the body as a whole as many imbalances may be acute, but I look to the root of the cause to continue helping you along the way.
Conversations with me surrounding your well-being, while workin in the student clinic cover everything. The more I know and understand about you, the more we can customize your care.
We speak on any Western diagnosis you currently have, and pharmaceuticals you may be taking, foods you eat, therapies you may be doing.
I am also trained to refer out if necessary! This is very important.
I see people at all stages of wellness
Times where rest and relaxation is the key and times where multiple health concerns surround a person. Identifying the role of Acupuncture and Food Therapy becomes the prominent question. We explore that together and feedback, communication is key. There are times when I play the supportive role and the touchbase for all the care that cycles around a person. There are other times when Acupuncture can take the lead towards healing.
Customized care is key! Connect with me!
Stay inspired,