Frosty and Fresh

Frosty and Fresh

Fresh foods have been my preference, but frosty foods are on the rise! 

Bouncing between food lifestyles that focused on fresh and nutrient dense lead me to my preference for fresh. The enjoyment of selecting farm fresh foods and the creative aspect of preparation is enjoyable for me. Then there are all of the many tasks that show up, the time that is shifted elsewhere and the funds that need to be distributed that lead to nourishing ourselves in different ways.

Would you be willing to swap a frozen for a fresh, or a fresh for a frozen?

Oftentimes I cruised on by the frosty section. Remembering all the frozen dinners I had as a kid and now embracing selecting produce and fruits that I could feel and smell. Making my return to this arctic zone required a shift in perspective. Finding my balance of blending the two and feeling good about my choices. Not only mentally but “nourishingly” too! 

Whether frosty or fresh, choose what fits you!

Stay inspired,

