Bonsai and Balance

Bonsai and Balance

A take on how we relate.

Manipulating, nurturing, depleting, revitalizing. When the balance of one reflects the balance of another.

Let’s talk Bonsai.

The art of creating these tiny yet vibrant trees takes attention, requires a relationship. There is a person, perhaps you, and a participant probaly a ficus, fig, jade or type of tree. Drawn in by the vibrancy of its leaves or by its stern yet rooted trunk, we choose a bonsai and in some effect it chooses us. We fashion and create these small versions of their giant counterparts, remaining attentive yet reactive. Water. Repot. Prune. Respite.

The balance between human and the plant are what unveils beauty and the ability of the bonsai to thrive.

If too restless and one over manipulates, bonsai is off balance. If one is too quiet and inactive, bonsai is off balance.

It is about finding ease with the journey in between.

What is your reflection of self? What helps you restore or maintian your flow to life, health, and wellbeing?

Stay inspired,

