Words Before Us

When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your Life, for your Strength. Give Thanks for your Food and for the …
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Play With Your Food!

Play with your food! Play with the way you think of the foods you choose. Play with the idea of what you are supposed to …
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What We Use

Consider the tools we use to consume our food. I predominantly ate with my hands, gold plastic party utensils, and chopsticks for a moment of …
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Creativley Multiply

What are your go to items or what could they be? Just as habitual as that cup of coffee or glass of wine. Just as …
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Words Before Us

Words Before Us

When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your Life, for your Strength. Give Thanks for your Food and for the joy of Living, If you see no reason to give…

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Play With Your Food!

Play With Your Food!

Play with your food! Play with the way you think of the foods you choose. Play with the idea of what you are supposed to have and when. Many and I mean many of us…

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What We Use

What We Use

Consider the tools we use to consume our food. I predominantly ate with my hands, gold plastic party utensils, and chopsticks for a moment of time. If the expression is “home is where the heart…

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Creativley Multiply

Creativley Multiply

What are your go to items or what could they be? Just as habitual as that cup of coffee or glass of wine. Just as refreshing as that smoothie or water with a touch of…

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Frosty and Fresh

Frosty and Fresh

Fresh foods have been my preference, but frosty foods are on the rise!  Bouncing between food lifestyles that focused on fresh and nutrient dense lead me to my preference for fresh. The enjoyment of selecting…

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Frosty and Fresh

Fresh foods have been my preference, but frosty foods are on the rise!  Bouncing between food lifestyles that focused on fresh and nutrient dense lead me to my preference for fresh. The enjoyment of selecting…

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I was anxious and decided to drink water.  I was angry and decided to drink water. I was stressed and decided to drink water. I drank water. Stay inspired, Erica

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